Red Alert 2

March 2023 - Ranked Match

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Rank #52

Champions Players League
Last online: 1 year ago
User joined: 4 years ago
Player stats
Points: 345
Wins: 12
Losses: 14
Average FPS: 54
Played today: 0
Elo Rank:
Top factions played
Faction Won Lost Played
x12 x14 x26
Played this month


Won +56

Sekigahara DMZ

Duration: 00:06:54

Played: 1 year ago

FPS: 55


Won +60

Distant Quasar

Duration: 00:16:44

Played: 1 year ago

FPS: 55

Player vs Player stats

Opponent Bigb00b Wins Bigb00b Losses Total games
2 4 6
1 0 1
1 1 2
2 0 2
0 1 1
1 3 4
2 1 3
1 0 1
0 3 3
2 1 3

Player map stats

Cold War TvT
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Coldest Peak
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Desert Island
x1 wins
x2 losses
x3 total
Distant Quasar
x1 wins
x1 losses
x2 total
Divide and Conquer
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Divide Freezes Over (Precap)
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Golden State Freeway LE
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Heck Freezes Over (no gems mid)
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Jungle of Vietnam
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Lake Island
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Lakeside Plateau
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Red Valley
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
River Divide (Ra2) (PreCap)
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Sekigahara DMZ
x1 wins
x1 losses
x2 total
South Pacific (TL vs BR)
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Stardusk RA2
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
x2 wins
x0 losses
x2 total
Tour of Egypt (RA2)
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total