Yuri's Revenge

May 2020 - Ranked Match

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Rank #128

Champions Players League
Last online: 4 years ago
User joined: 5 years ago
Player stats
Points: 412
Wins: 15
Losses: 11
Average FPS: 56
Played today: 0
Elo Rank:
Top factions played
Faction Won Lost Played
x14 x8 x22
x0 x2 x2
Played this month
stars Recent Achievements
6 /451 unlocked
Rhino Noob
Build 50 Rhino Tanks
Unlocked 1 year ago
Rhino Noob
Build 20 Rhino Tanks in one game
Unlocked 1 year ago
Terror Drones Noob
Build 20 Terror Drones
Unlocked 1 year ago


Duration: 00:05:48

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 59



Duration: 00:04:02

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 59

Player vs Player stats

Opponent Staubi159 Wins Staubi159 Losses Total games
1 0 1
1 0 1
0 2 2
2 0 2
1 0 1
1 0 1
1 1 2
1 0 1
1 0 1
0 2 2
1 0 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 1 1
0 2 2
1 0 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1

Player map stats

"Stormy Weather "
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
[Pro] Frostbite
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
[Pro] Pinchpoints
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
[Pro] Stardusk
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
[Pro] Urban Rush
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
All The Fury LE
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Death Valley Girl
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Dry Heat LE
x1 wins
x1 losses
x2 total
Glowing Waters
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Golden State Fwy
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Malibu Cliffs LE
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Montana DMZ
x0 wins
x2 losses
x2 total
North Waves
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
x3 wins
x0 losses
x3 total
Proving Grounds
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Tournament Map B
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
x1 wins
x1 losses
x2 total