YR - Blitz 2v2
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October - 2024 Ladder Champions!

2vs2 Recent Games View All Games

Champions 2vs2 League

Games expand_more
862 points
32 won
7 lost
39 games
409 points
10 won
1 lost
11 games
375 points
36 won
25 lost
61 games
366 points
14 won
9 lost
23 games
328 points
20 won
17 lost
37 games
261 points
7 won
1 lost
8 games
251 points
14 won
10 lost
24 games
208 points
7 won
8 lost
15 games
184 points
15 won
13 lost
28 games
180 points
7 won
9 lost
16 games
174 points
4 won
2 lost
6 games
130 points
23 won
39 lost
62 games
127 points
3 won
0 lost
3 games
116 points
3 won
4 lost
7 games
107 points
3 won
1 lost
4 games
98 points
4 won
5 lost
9 games
54 points
6 won
10 lost
16 games
45 points
1 won
6 lost
7 games
41 points
1 won
1 lost
2 games
14 points
3 won
4 lost
7 games
13 points
1 won
1 lost
2 games
7 points
5 won
14 lost
19 games
7 points
9 won
37 lost
46 games
6 points
1 won
5 lost
6 games
-4 points
0 won
2 lost
2 games
-8 points
0 won
2 lost
2 games
-29 points
1 won
2 lost
3 games
-37 points
0 won
2 lost
2 games