Red Alert 2 - 2v2
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2vs2 Recent Games View All Games

Champions 2vs2 League

Games expand_more
563 points
18 won
2 lost
20 games
398 points
27 won
14 lost
41 games
270 points
13 won
17 lost
30 games
259 points
21 won
19 lost
40 games
252 points
13 won
14 lost
27 games
248 points
9 won
6 lost
15 games
240 points
8 won
11 lost
19 games
235 points
5 won
5 lost
10 games
201 points
5 won
2 lost
7 games
164 points
5 won
2 lost
7 games
155 points
4 won
2 lost
6 games
150 points
9 won
10 lost
19 games
148 points
4 won
4 lost
8 games
136 points
4 won
1 lost
5 games
121 points
6 won
11 lost
17 games
94 points
3 won
3 lost
6 games
92 points
2 won
0 lost
2 games
82 points
4 won
3 lost
7 games
75 points
3 won
6 lost
9 games
61 points
2 won
5 lost
7 games
51 points
2 won
4 lost
6 games
19 points
3 won
11 lost
14 games
5 points
2 won
9 lost
11 games
1 points
1 won
4 lost
5 games
-1 points
5 won
13 lost
18 games