YR - Blitz
Ladder Rankings

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March - 2024 Ladder Champions!

1vs1 Recent Games View All Games

Contenders 1vs1 League

Games expand_more
584 points
20 won
19 lost
39 games
570 points
27 won
10 lost
37 games
371 points
63 won
123 lost
186 games
298 points
35 won
99 lost
134 games
261 points
10 won
13 lost
23 games
256 points
61 won
170 lost
231 games
238 points
48 won
66 lost
114 games
214 points
5 won
5 lost
10 games
198 points
9 won
25 lost
34 games
194 points
28 won
37 lost
65 games
125 points
3 won
5 lost
8 games
97 points
2 won
8 lost
10 games
86 points
2 won
2 lost
4 games
80 points
2 won
4 lost
6 games
75 points
3 won
6 lost
9 games
54 points
1 won
1 lost
2 games
0 points
0 won
5 lost
5 games
0 points
0 won
5 lost
5 games
0 points
0 won
2 lost
2 games
0 points
0 won
6 lost
6 games
0 points
0 won
4 lost
4 games