Yuri's Revenge
Ladder Rankings

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March - 2020 Ladder Champions!

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Champions 1vs1 League

Games expand_more
604 points
30 won
27 lost
57 games
710 points
25 won
32 lost
57 games
944 points
38 won
20 lost
58 games
44 points
8 won
51 lost
59 games
451 points
29 won
36 lost
65 games
1890 points
75 won
16 lost
91 games
591 points
46 won
46 lost
92 games
1289 points
67 won
31 lost
98 games
1307 points
67 won
36 lost
103 games
1619 points
68 won
38 lost
106 games
437 points
53 won
55 lost
108 games
492 points
47 won
71 lost
118 games
927 points
62 won
70 lost
132 games
521 points
63 won
80 lost
143 games
632 points
78 won
90 lost
168 games
845 points
94 won
76 lost
170 games
1158 points
107 won
88 lost
195 games
89 points
44 won
152 lost
196 games
876 points
101 won
98 lost
199 games
241 points
89 won
120 lost
209 games
1634 points
130 won
104 lost
234 games
192 points
65 won
172 lost
237 games
1373 points
143 won
105 lost
248 games
1774 points
167 won
89 lost
256 games