YR - Blitz 2v2
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May - 2024 Ladder Champions!

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Champions 2vs2 League

Games expand_more
1050 points
105 won
84 lost
189 games
535 points
94 won
99 lost
193 games
1767 points
121 won
74 lost
195 games
95 points
91 won
106 lost
197 games
269 points
82 won
121 lost
203 games
665 points
102 won
140 lost
242 games
1715 points
124 won
128 lost
252 games
489 points
112 won
140 lost
252 games
1507 points
148 won
123 lost
271 games
762 points
120 won
169 lost
289 games
2159 points
188 won
105 lost
293 games
566 points
140 won
158 lost
298 games
806 points
128 won
174 lost
302 games
646 points
166 won
182 lost
348 games
1415 points
189 won
170 lost
359 games
1116 points
179 won
195 lost
374 games
-13 points
119 won
278 lost
397 games
1992 points
222 won
213 lost
435 games
1306 points
239 won
295 lost
534 games
1268 points
273 won
291 lost
564 games
498 points
247 won
337 lost
584 games
1025 points
362 won
415 lost
777 games