YR - Blitz
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May - 2024 Ladder Champions!

1vs1 Recent Games View All Games

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Champions 1vs1 League

Games expand_more
75 points
13 won
26 lost
39 games
1128 points
34 won
8 lost
42 games
721 points
36 won
8 lost
44 games
289 points
18 won
26 lost
44 games
780 points
32 won
12 lost
44 games
821 points
29 won
17 lost
46 games
298 points
16 won
32 lost
48 games
225 points
18 won
37 lost
55 games
1010 points
46 won
23 lost
69 games
218 points
23 won
47 lost
70 games
1035 points
51 won
21 lost
72 games
903 points
34 won
40 lost
74 games
692 points
49 won
28 lost
77 games
465 points
47 won
35 lost
82 games
306 points
32 won
53 lost
85 games
482 points
46 won
41 lost
87 games
453 points
50 won
39 lost
89 games
1889 points
91 won
23 lost
114 games
1151 points
79 won
38 lost
117 games
1534 points
98 won
57 lost
155 games
64 points
74 won
190 lost
264 games
197 points
31 won
264 lost
295 games
939 points
201 won
117 lost
318 games
1314 points
241 won
177 lost
418 games