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July - 2019 Ladder Champions!

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Champions 1vs1 League

Games expand_more
145 points
4 won
1 lost
5 games
0 points
0 won
5 lost
5 games
0 points
0 won
5 lost
5 games
0 points
0 won
6 lost
6 games
31 points
1 won
5 lost
6 games
55 points
1 won
6 lost
7 games
27 points
1 won
6 lost
7 games
173 points
4 won
4 lost
8 games
105 points
2 won
7 lost
9 games
269 points
5 won
5 lost
10 games
42 points
1 won
9 lost
10 games
27 points
1 won
9 lost
10 games
228 points
6 won
9 lost
15 games
427 points
14 won
1 lost
15 games
347 points
14 won
10 lost
24 games
313 points
11 won
23 lost
34 games
614 points
28 won
16 lost
44 games
367 points
21 won
29 lost
50 games
1012 points
38 won
16 lost
54 games
1087 points
46 won
18 lost
64 games
266 points
21 won
55 lost
76 games
1218 points
77 won
33 lost
110 games
1206 points
73 won
37 lost
110 games
823 points
64 won
56 lost
120 games
380 points
52 won
129 lost
181 games
877 points
134 won
85 lost
219 games
786 points
136 won
123 lost
259 games