Yuri's Revenge
Ladder Rankings

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August - 2022 Ladder Champions!

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1vs1 - Champions Players League

Games expand_more
569 points
45 won
53 lost
98 games
1487 points
65 won
33 lost
98 games
915 points
67 won
37 lost
104 games
153 points
24 won
96 lost
120 games
933 points
66 won
64 lost
130 games
1016 points
88 won
43 lost
131 games
1106 points
77 won
54 lost
131 games
1161 points
103 won
36 lost
139 games
1379 points
94 won
46 lost
140 games
1009 points
81 won
61 lost
142 games
769 points
85 won
60 lost
145 games
743 points
86 won
64 lost
150 games
1023 points
93 won
65 lost
158 games
1184 points
93 won
66 lost
159 games
283 points
87 won
91 lost
178 games
1169 points
118 won
70 lost
188 games
752 points
119 won
90 lost
209 games
585 points
99 won
136 lost
235 games
794 points
137 won
121 lost
258 games
104 points
86 won
199 lost
285 games
1751 points
323 won
119 lost
442 games
374 points
180 won
328 lost
508 games
153 points
168 won
815 lost
983 games