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Rank #78
Champions Players League
Last online:
6 years ago
Player stats
Points: 222
Wins: 5
Losses: 3
Average FPS: 55
Played today: 0
Top factions played
Faction | Won | Lost | Played |
x5 | x3 | x8 |
Played this month
stars Recent Achievements
Tank Destroyers Veteran
Build 50 Tank Destroyers
Unlocked 1 week ago
Harriers Elite
Build 24 Harriers in one game
Unlocked 2 weeks ago
Attack Dog Veteran
Build 1000 Attack Dogs
Unlocked 2 weeks ago
Player map stats
[Pro] Pinchpoints
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Divide and Conquer
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Glowing Waters
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
x0 wins
x2 losses
x2 total
Jungle of Vietnam
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Montana DMZ
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total