Yuri's Revenge

December 2020 - Ranked Match

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Rank #57

Champions Players League
Last online: 4 years ago
User joined: 4 years ago
Player stats
Points: 940
Wins: 208
Losses: 267
Average FPS: 54
Played today: 0
Elo Rank:
Top factions played
Faction Won Lost Played
x11 x22 x33
x14 x25 x39
x183 x220 x403
Played this month
stars Recent Achievements
136 /451 unlocked
Brutes Master
Build 500 Brutes
Unlocked 6 months ago
IFVs Veteran
Build 30 IFVs in one game
Unlocked 6 months ago
Rhino Veteran
Build 1000 Rhino Tanks
Unlocked 1 year ago

Lake Blitzen (SW on)

Duration: 00:11:37

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Little Big Bay (SW on)

Duration: 00:11:41

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Urban Rush (SW off)

Duration: 00:02:26

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Little Big Bay (SW on)

Duration: 00:07:03

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Desert Island [LE v1.2] (SW off)

Duration: 00:15:44

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Tikal (SW off)

Duration: 00:08:45

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Malibu Cliffs (LE v1.20) (SW on)

Duration: 00:04:33

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 57


Cavern's Of Siberia (SW off)

Duration: 00:07:39

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 57


The Path More Travelled v1.1 (SW on)

Duration: 00:05:54

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 53


Landmarks (SW off)

Duration: 00:05:11

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 53


South Pacific (SW on)

Duration: 00:02:37

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Jungle of Vietnam (SW on)

Duration: 00:09:51

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 55


Malibu Cliffs (LE v1.20) (SW on)

Duration: 00:08:18

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Cavern's Of Siberia (SW off)

Duration: 00:04:52

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


The Path More Travelled v1.1 (SW on)

Duration: 00:11:24

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58


Yin Yang (TE v1.2) (SW off)

Duration: 00:04:11

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 52


Country Swing LE v1.00 (SW on)

Duration: 00:06:46

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 42


Official Tournament Map A (SW on)

Duration: 00:02:20

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 57


Stormy Weather (LE v1.1) (SW on)

Duration: 00:04:51

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 56



Lost -17

Dorado Descent (v2.3) (SW off)

Duration: 00:07:30

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 58



Lost -19

Reconcile (SW off)

Duration: 00:01:48

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 55


Heck Freezes Over [LE v1.5] (SW off)

Duration: 00:05:52

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 57


Pinch Point LE v1.02 (SW on)

Duration: 00:08:10

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 56


Heartland (SW off)

Duration: 00:03:23

Played: 4 years ago

FPS: 56

Opponent ra2sucks Wins ra2sucks Losses Total games
0 3 3
0 3 3
1 0 1
1 0 1
1 0 1
1 1 2
4 1 5
0 1 1
1 3 4
7 7 14
1 0 1
4 0 4
0 1 1
3 4 7
0 6 6
0 1 1
20 2 22
1 2 3
0 2 2
1 0 1
0 4 4
3 6 9
0 1 1
2 3 5
0 1 1
1 4 5
2 1 3
5 8 13
0 1 1
1 6 7
1 8 9
4 4 8
2 5 7
4 8 12
1 5 6
0 1 1
0 1 1
13 8 21
0 1 1
0 1 1
2 15 17
0 7 7
1 2 3
3 1 4
3 1 4
2 8 10
0 6 6
9 7 16
4 0 4
1 1 2
2 0 2
1 0 1
1 0 1
0 2 2
3 0 3
4 2 6
1 2 3
2 1 3
2 1 3
1 0 1
2 2 4
3 6 9
4 1 5
0 7 7
1 0 1
2 4 6
6 2 8
0 2 2
8 7 15
6 10 16
1 0 1
2 0 2
3 0 3
6 15 21
1 0 1
0 3 3
4 2 6
1 3 4
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
0 5 5
0 1 1
9 3 12
6 2 8
4 0 4
1 4 5
0 2 2
3 4 7
1 6 7
1 0 1
0 1 1
3 4 7
1 0 1

Player map stats

Alaskan Oil Spill (SW on)
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Arctic Circle (SW on)
x3 wins
x5 losses
x8 total
Bull Run (SW on)
x1 wins
x2 losses
x3 total
Cavern's Of Siberia (SW off)
x4 wins
x10 losses
x14 total
City Under Siege (SW on)
x8 wins
x2 losses
x10 total
Coldest Peak (SW off)
x3 wins
x5 losses
x8 total
Country Swing LE v1.00 (SW on)
x4 wins
x8 losses
x12 total
Depth Charge (SW on)
x0 wins
x3 losses
x3 total
Desert Island [LE v1.2] (SW off)
x6 wins
x5 losses
x11 total
Divide and Conquer (SW on)
x5 wins
x9 losses
x14 total
Divide Freezes Over (LE v1.1) (SW off)
x4 wins
x4 losses
x8 total
Dorado Descent (v2.3) (SW off)
x8 wins
x8 losses
x16 total
Glowing Waters (SW off)
x2 wins
x8 losses
x10 total
Golden State Freeway LE v2.06 (SW off)
x5 wins
x8 losses
x13 total
Golden State Valley (SW off)
x5 wins
x6 losses
x11 total
Hammer and Sickle (TE v1.2) (SW on)
x4 wins
x3 losses
x7 total
Heartland (SW off)
x3 wins
x12 losses
x15 total
Heck Freezes Over [LE v1.5] (SW off)
x6 wins
x5 losses
x11 total
Jungle of Vietnam (SW on)
x5 wins
x4 losses
x9 total
Lake Blitzen (SW on)
x5 wins
x7 losses
x12 total
Lakeside Plateau (SW on)
x6 wins
x12 losses
x18 total
Landmarks (SW off)
x7 wins
x8 losses
x15 total
Little Big Bay (SW on)
x5 wins
x2 losses
x7 total
Malibu Cliffs (LE v1.20) (SW on)
x4 wins
x3 losses
x7 total
Montana DMZ (TE edit v1.4) (SW off)
x4 wins
x6 losses
x10 total
Morningtide (SW off)
x6 wins
x9 losses
x15 total
North Waves (SW off)
x3 wins
x8 losses
x11 total
Official Tournament Map A (SW on)
x4 wins
x5 losses
x9 total
Official Tournament Map Q (SW on)
x7 wins
x7 losses
x14 total
Paris Revisited (SW off)
x8 wins
x4 losses
x12 total
Pinch Point LE v1.02 (SW on)
x5 wins
x5 losses
x10 total
Pirate Bay (SW on)
x6 wins
x3 losses
x9 total
Poltergiest (SW off)
x3 wins
x9 losses
x12 total
Reconcile (SW off)
x4 wins
x12 losses
x16 total
Snow Valley (SW on)
x4 wins
x5 losses
x9 total
South Pacific (SW on)
x5 wins
x5 losses
x10 total
Stormy Weather (LE v1.1) (SW on)
x5 wins
x8 losses
x13 total
The Hills Have Eyes (SW off)
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
The Path More Travelled v1.1 (SW on)
x1 wins
x6 losses
x7 total
Thin Ice (SW off)
x10 wins
x9 losses
x19 total
Tiger Bay Night (SW off)
x1 wins
x1 losses
x2 total
Tikal (SW off)
x7 wins
x7 losses
x14 total
Tour of Egypt (RA2) (SW on)
x3 wins
x4 losses
x7 total
Tournament Map B (SW off)
x2 wins
x3 losses
x5 total
Urban Marine [LE v1.1] (SW on)
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Urban Rush (SW off)
x1 wins
x4 losses
x5 total
Yellowstone (SW on)
x13 wins
x0 losses
x13 total
Yin Yang (TE v1.2) (SW off)
x3 wins
x5 losses
x8 total