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Rank #2
Champions Players League
Last online:
6 years ago
User joined:
7 years ago
Player stats
Points: 188
Wins: 8
Losses: 4
Average FPS: 56
Played today: 0
Elo Rank:
Top factions played
Faction | Won | Lost | Played |
x8 | x4 | x12 |
Played this month
Player map stats
!Throwback! 0.69 (Ally)(byHumble&Co)
x2 wins
x0 losses
x2 total
A River Runs Near It (Cliffs Fixed) (Air Fi
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total
Area 51 [6p](Tunnel/TibFix)(Ally/Vet1.5)
x0 wins
x2 losses
x2 total
Dueling Islands Weeds (Vet1.6b)
x0 wins
x1 losses
x1 total
Giants Of War (4) by ~Nodrescue~
x2 wins
x0 losses
x2 total
Terrace(2-4)(Ally / Vet 1.6 Beta)
x2 wins
x1 losses
x3 total
The Pit [2-4p]
x1 wins
x0 losses
x1 total