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September - 2023 Ladder Champions!

1vs1 Recent Games View All Games

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Champions 1vs1 League

Games expand_less
728 points
330 won
299 lost
629 games
401 points
109 won
148 lost
257 games
1035 points
177 won
62 lost
239 games
106 points
53 won
152 lost
205 games
274 points
83 won
116 lost
199 games
111 points
42 won
144 lost
186 games
681 points
77 won
47 lost
124 games
796 points
83 won
35 lost
118 games
1447 points
86 won
0 lost
86 games
493 points
24 won
19 lost
43 games
47 points
2 won
20 lost
22 games
0 points
0 won
20 lost
20 games
252 points
8 won
11 lost
19 games
27 points
1 won
16 lost
17 games
462 points
11 won
5 lost
16 games
365 points
12 won
3 lost
15 games
534 points
13 won
0 lost
13 games
24 points
1 won
11 lost
12 games
0 points
0 won
4 lost
4 games
0 points
0 won
3 lost
3 games
121 points
2 won
1 lost
3 games
0 points
0 won
2 lost
2 games
0 points
0 won
1 lost
1 games
0 points
0 won
1 lost
1 games
56 points
1 won
0 lost
1 games
0 points
0 won
1 lost
1 games