YR - Blitz
Ladder Rankings

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YR - Blitz Discord
Ranked Match Stats
Games this Month
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Games Played
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Player of the day

16 wins

1vs1 Recent Games View All Games

Champions 1vs1 League

Games expand_more
740 points
30 won
0 lost
30 games
698 points
21 won
5 lost
26 games
698 points
28 won
6 lost
34 games
654 points
31 won
4 lost
35 games
569 points
15 won
7 lost
22 games
534 points
14 won
0 lost
14 games
480 points
61 won
32 lost
93 games
323 points
7 won
1 lost
8 games
289 points
6 won
0 lost
6 games
260 points
7 won
5 lost
12 games
223 points
35 won
71 lost
106 games
203 points
10 won
16 lost
26 games
201 points
3 won
0 lost
3 games
161 points
11 won
26 lost
37 games
153 points
6 won
4 lost
10 games
114 points
2 won
2 lost
4 games
110 points
4 won
10 lost
14 games
93 points
2 won
4 lost
6 games
86 points
2 won
12 lost
14 games
77 points
1 won
0 lost
1 games
55 points
1 won
0 lost
1 games
49 points
1 won
3 lost
4 games
42 points
1 won
0 lost
1 games
40 points
1 won
0 lost
1 games
33 points
1 won
7 lost
8 games
33 points
7 won
87 lost
94 games
0 points
0 won
2 lost
2 games
0 points
0 won
1 lost
1 games
0 points
0 won
1 lost
1 games