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Yuri's Revenge Ranked Match Prizes for September
Following on from the previous months competition, we will continue to have two distinct ranked match leagues for Yuri's Revenge players. If you're new to the game, you'll be matched up against players in the lower tiers until you climb the ranks and gain entry into the prestigious Champions player league.
If you are a new player and you are in the wrong league, please contact [FC]Matt on the RA2/Yuri's Revenge discord to be placed into the appropriate league.
We have prizes for both Yuri's Revenge Leagues this month, courtesy again of the very generous sponsorship by Larry Appledrop. Please send him a massive thank you on the Yuri's Revenge Discord for sponsoring these events.
Here's what's up for grabs this month in the Yuri's Revenge Ranked match:
1st Place - Champions Player League: $50
1st Place - Contenders Player League: $20
It's important to note that these prizes will be distributed by Larry Appledrop, as long as all CnCNet Ladder rules are adhered to. Also note you can't play in both leagues.
To be eligible for prizes a player needs to have a reliable money transfer app or a trusted friend that does.
Good luck commanders!